Saga University’s efforts to support female researchers are published in journal “Science Vol. 375”.
The Office of Diversity Promotion at Saga University supports female researchers. One such initiative is the “Saga Seeds Musubime
” website, which disseminates the research of female researchers.
Outstanding female researchers want to develop their research by connecting with many people, including researchers in different fields, general companies, local authorities and international students. Saga University supports them in achieving this desire and forming strong connections.
Volume 375 of the international journal Science, which hits newsstands March 25, 2022, features this initiative to support women researchers under the title “Diversity is the Focus.” Science is an American academic journal with a global readership of approximately one million and is published weekly. The journal featured Saga Seed Musubime, an initiative of Saga University’s Office of Diversity Promotion, and an interview with President Hiroaki Kodama. Saga University’s Office of Diversity Promotion aims to lead the way in this field. The article in Volume 375 of Science magazine can be viewed in the PDF below.
Science, Vol. 375, English version (PDF)
Research dissemination site “Sagaseeds Musubime”