佐賀大学学生国際交流会(SUISA)ニュースレターチームが 「Hi! from SAGA」第10弾を作成しました。

(The English version is below.)

 佐賀大学学生国際交流会(SUISA)ニュースレターチームが「Hi! from SAGA」第10弾を作成しました。


 「Hi!from SAGA」第10弾では、佐賀大学内最大規模の国際交流イベント「カルチュラルナイト」と交換留学生を経て大学院正規生として佐賀に戻って来た留学生へのインタビューについて書かれています。


 次号の「Hi! from SAGA」は5月の発行を予定しています。ぜひお楽しみにお待ちください。










       TEL 0952-28-8169




[Hi! from Saga Vol.10]  issued by SUISA (Saga University International Students Association)


SUISA (Saga University International Students Association) has just issued the latest volume for the newsletter [Hi! from Saga Vol.10]


In this issue, we cover about one of the biggest event in Saga University, the Cultural Night and also about a former exchange student at Saga University who came back as a graduate student.


Cultural Night is a special event where the International Student and Japanese Students come together to share and introduce about their culture, creating an exotic atmosphere for the night. It is interesting to see the expressions of the student as they share about their countries proudly instead of their usual self, focusing on their studies. In the interview with the International Student, we are able to see through the unique perspective of hers as we dig in to why she came back to Saga University as a graduate student after finishing her time in Saga as an exchange student. We like to continue to share the appeal of Saga University from here, the International office.

The next issue of newsletter is scheduled for May. Please look forward to it.


Contents for Vol. 10 is

 1. About Cultural Night

    2. Interview with an International Student


English ver. pdfアイコン



 International Affairs Division, Saga University

       TEL 0952-28-8169

