


 AI・データサイエンス分野において,国際的に活躍できるグローバルな素養を持ったプロフェッショナルな人材を育成することを目的として,佐賀大学大学院理工学研究科・先進健康科学研究科では,AI・データサイエンス高度人材育成プログラム(英語名称:Education Program for AI and Data Science Specialists(EPAD))を立ち上げました。

 このプログラムでは,外国人留学生と日本人学生が共学し,AI やデータサイエンス技術に関する講義,セミナー,およびインターンシップ研修などの教育カリキュラムを全て英語で実施します。外国人留学生は,日本語の習得の障壁なく日本で充実した教育を受け研究を行い,一層の修業成果を上げることができます。








A new international education program “Education Program for AI and Data Science Specialists” will start in October 2022.

We have launched a new international education program named “Education Program for AI and Data Science Specialists (EPAD)” at the Graduate School of Science and Engineering and the Graduate School of Advanced Health Sciences, Saga University to develop professionals who can play an active role internationally in the fields of AI and data science. 

In this program, international students and Japanese students will study together, and the curriculum, including lectures, seminars, and internships on AI and data science technologies, will be conducted entirely in English. International students will be able to receive a fulfilling education and conduct research without any barriers, such as having to learn Japanese.

This program is aimed at international students living overseas or in Japan, and Japanese students, with enrollments in both October and April. International students with excellent grades are given priority for MEXT Scholarships and Japanese students with excellent grades are given opportunities to receive research incentives.

We aim to nurture and develop people who will lead the world in AI and data science technologies and who will contribute towards the development of society. We would like to enhance our international network and strengthen relations with other countries by producing excellent international graduates who will receive high-quality education here at Saga University. In addition, it is important for the growth of our country to accept excellent human resources from overseas, and it is extremely beneficial for Saga Prefecture, which promotes DX (Digital transformation).


Guide for the application : http://www.sao.saga-u.ac.jp/admission_center/english/admissions.html




 佐賀大学 理工学部 情報部門 福田 修
 〒840-8502  佐賀市本庄町1 理工学部7号館206号室
 TEL: 0952-28-8569 FAX: 0952-28 -8650
 E-mail: fukudao@cc.saga-u.ac.jp
