大学間学術交流協定校・温州大学(中国)創立90周年記念式典・調印式 寺本理事(国際)・副学長が兒玉学長代理として出席










 TEL 0952-28-8203



Ceremony marking the 90th anniversary of the founding of Wenzhou University (China), an academic exchange agreement institution, and the signing ceremony, with Vice President・Director Teramoto (International Affairs) attending on behalf of President Kodama


From May 13th to 14th, Director Teramoto (International) and Vice President, among others, attended the 90th anniversary commemoration ceremony of Wenzhou University (China), a partner university with which our university has an inter-university exchange agreement, on behalf of Acting President Kodama.

The commemoration ceremony held on May 13th was attended by representatives from relevant organizations, faculty members, students, alumni, as well as over 1,000 people from partner universities in Japan and South Korea, gathering for the celebration of the 90th anniversary. It turned out to be a grand ceremony. As the only university in Japan with an inter-university exchange agreement, congratulatory remarks from President Kodama were delivered by Director Teramoto, and conveyed on behalf of our university.

On May 14th, a signing ceremony was held for the renewal of the academic exchange agreement between the two universities. It aims to further develop joint research in the field of environmental studies based on the foundation of previous academic exchanges and to address regional and global challenges. We confirmed the commitment to continue producing joint achievements in the future.

For our university, it is expected that academic exchanges with Wenzhou University will deepen further following this visit, taking place after the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Secretary Zhang (third from right), President Cho (second from left), Director Teramoto (third from left)

Tour of new museums and other facilities

Signing Ceremony of Academic Exchange Agreement
