11月2日から3日にかけて、中国・北京で開催されたWorld Agri-Food Innovation (WAFI) Conferenceへ中国農業大学の孫其信学長より本学の兒玉浩明学長へ招待があり、学長代理として大島一里副学長(企画・将来計画担当理事)が出席し、会議に合わせて同大学との調印式を行いました。
国際会議には60か国以上から300名以上の研究者等が集まり、”WAFI University Presidents Forum”と題したラウンドテーブルでは、大島副学長をはじめ、北京林業大学(中国)、貴州大学(中国)、ハンガリー農業生命科学大学、モンゴル生命科学大学、ムズンベ大学(タンザニア)の学長等から、農業分野におけるイノベーションと将来のリーダーを担う若者の育成について、各大学の実例が紹介されるとともに、意見交換が行われました。
WAFI University Presidents Forumにてスピーチする大島副学長(右)
中国農業科学院 李世訪教授(中央右)と会食した大島理事(中央左)
中国農業大学の教授・学生のほか、賀振 元佐賀大学農学部客員研究員 ※現・揚州大学教授(左から三番目)とも再会
(左:大島副学長 右:孫学長)
TEL 0952-28-8166
Attendance at WAFI 2023 at the invitation of the President of Agricultural University of China and conclusion of an academic exchange agreement
From November 2nd to 3rd, Director Oshima (Future Planning Affairs) and Vice President, among others, attended the World Agri-Food Innovation (WAFI) Conference held in Beijing, China, and signing ceremony for an academic exchange agreement, on behalf of Acting President Kodama. The invitation to this conference was given by President Sun of Agricultural University of China to President Kodama of Saga University.
The Conference opened on November 2nd was attended by representatives from relevant universities, as well as more than 300 researchers and others from over 60 countries. At a roundtable titled “WAFI University Presidents Forum” Vice President Oshima and the representatives of Beijing Forestry University (China), Guizhou University (China), Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences (Hungary), Mongolian University of Life Sciences (Mongol), and Mzumbe University (Tanzania) presented examples of their universities and exchanged views on innovation in agriculture and the training of young people to become future leaders in the field.
On November 2nd, a signing ceremony was held at the same venue for an inter-university academic exchange agreement with China Agricultural University to promote joint research and education. Since 2000, the both universities have concluded an inter-university exchange agreement, and researchers and students have been exchanged.
Vice President Oshima gave a congratulatory speech on the WAFI2023 and expressed his wishes for the deepening of academic exchange between the two universities. In response, President Sun made remarks on the development China has achieved with Japanese support to date, and on future plans include expanding its agricultural technology to rural areas and promoting academic exchanges in the future.
For our university, it is expected that further development of academic exchange with China Agricultural University, as well as to the realization of active and sustained exchange.
Vice President Oshima (right) speaks at the WAFI University Presidents Forum
Director Oshima (center left) having dinner with Professor Li Shifang of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (center right)
Reunion with professors and students from China Agricultural University, as well as Dr. He Zhen, former Visiting Researcher, Faculty of Agriculture, Saga University *Currently Professor, Yangzhou University (third from the left).
Signing Ceremony for Renewal of Academic Exchange Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding for Student Exchange
(Left: Vice President Oshima, Right: President Sun)