

 本学の三島伸雄副学長(国際担当)が7月10日、チュニジア共和国チュニス市のホテル・エル モウラディ ガマートで開催された第4回日本・北アフリカ学長会議に出席しました。日本、チュニジア、エジプト、アルジェリア、モロッコ、セネガル、ナイジェリアの学長・副学長などが参加し、コロナ禍後の学術的パートナーシップの再開、拡張が議論されました。

オープニングセッションでは、主催者を代表して永田恭介・筑波大学長が開会挨拶された後、大菅岳史・駐チュニジア特命全権大使、BOUKTHIR Moncefチュニジア高等教育科学研究大臣が挨拶されました。



 その後マッチングセッションが行われ、エジプト日本科学技術大学(E-JUST)Amr Adly学長、並びにナイジェリア連邦共和国・医療応用科学州立大学James C. Ogbonna教授から関心を寄せられ、各々との今後の共同研究等の話し合いが行われました。エネルギーや食糧不足の問題があり、佐賀大学の海洋エネルギー研究所や微細藻類研究の展開可能性について意見交換が行われました。






   7月9日 大菅岳史駐チュニジア特命全権大使(前列中央右)とのレセプション


佐賀大学 学術研究部 研究推進課国際企画室



Vice President MISHIMA Nobuo (International Affairs) Attended the 4th Japan-North Africa University Presidents’ Conference

 On July 10, Vice President Nobuo Mishima (International Affairs) of Saga University attended the 4th Japan-North Africa University Presidents’ Conference held at Hotel El Mouradi Gammarth in Tunis, Tunisia. The conference brought together university presidents and vice presidents from Japan, Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Senegal, and Nigeria to discuss the resumption and expansion of academic partnerships post-pandemic.

During the opening session, Professor NAGATA Kyosuke, President of the University of Tsukuba, delivered the welcome address on behalf of the organizers. Ambassador OSUGA  Takeshi, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to Tunisia, and Mr. BOUKTHIR Moncef, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Tunisia, also addressed the attendees.

In the first session, university presidents and deans from North African institutions introduced collaborative research initiatives with Japanese universities. Discussions centered around the Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS) as an implementation framework.

The second session featured various proposals for joint research under SATREPS from both Japanese and North African universities. Vice President Mishima highlighted Saga University’s strengths as a small-scale regional national university, emphasizing its agility and focus on research areas such as ocean thermal energy resources and synchrotron light-based material innovation. He also mentioned the academic exchange agreement signed in March 2024 between Saga University’s Faculty of Science and Engineering and the Faculty of Architecture at Carthage University in Tunisia, which aims to build a network for industrial heritage preservation involving Germany’s Bauhaus University.

Subsequent matchmaking sessions allowed for discussions on future joint research with Dr. Amr Adly, President of the Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST), and Professor James C. Ogbonna from Nigeria’s State University of Health and Applied Sciences. Discussions took place regarding future joint research initiatives. The topics included energy and food scarcity, and there was an exchange of views on the potential for development in Saga University’s Marine Energy Research Institute and microalgae studies.

The third session celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Mediterranean and North African Research Center at the University of Tsukuba, highlighting collaborative efforts with North African institutions. Throughout the conference, participants reaffirmed the urgency of accelerating and expanding academic cooperation, particularly joint research. Suggestions included sharing information on research grants and collaborating on specific projects. Additionally, support and participation in TICAD9, scheduled for 2025 in Yokohama, were confirmed.

On July 9, Vice President Mishima attended a reception hosted by Ambassador OSUGA  Takeshi, further enhancing academic exchanges with North Africa.

This visit is expected to invigorate academic exchanges with North Africa and contribute to sustainable collaboration.

                                                                                          Group photo

Vice President MISHIMA with a delegation from the President of Egypt-Japan University of
Science and Technology (E-JUST)     

July 9 Reception with OSUGA Takeshi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of
Japan to Tunisia (front row, center right)

