豊田一彦研究・社会連携担当理事がチェンマイ市を訪問し、 チェンマイ市×鹿島市×チェンマイ大学×佐賀大学の国際協力による成果展示会セレモニーに出席しました



 2024年8月15日~19日、豊田 一彦理事(研究・社会連携担当)、三島 伸雄副学長(国際担当)、小島 昌一理工学部副学部長等の本学関係者が、鳥飼 広敬鹿島市副市長並びに特定非営利活動法人肥前浜宿水とまちなみの会の関係者とともに、タイ王国チェンマイ市及びチェンマイ大学を訪問するとともに、4者間の国際的な協力関係の成果である展示会「Living Countour Chiang Mai City, Thailand×Kashima City, Japan, Exhibition」のオープニングセレモニーに出席しました。

 8月16日、チェンマイ大学を表敬訪問し、Ekkachai Mahaek副学長を始めとするチェンマイ大学と今後のさらなる4者間の交流に向けた話し合いを行いました。そして、佐賀大学とチェンマイ大学で、鹿島市の立ち合いの下、今後の4者間のプラットフォーム形成に向けた意向書の署名を行いました。その後、チェンマイ市を訪問し、Weerawit Dheerasawas市長代理と対面して今後の交流発展に向けた意見交換を行いました。また、市長代理からは、鹿島市訪問の意向が示されました。











      Photo credit: ADHAKORN MEEMANWIT         Photo credit: ADHAKORN MEEMANWIT 



Photo credit: ADHAKORN MEEMANWIT      Photo credit: ADHAKORN MEEMANWIT    








TOYODA Ichihiko, Director of Research and Community Cooperation Affairs, visited Chiang Mai City and attended the exhibition ceremony of the results of international collaboration between Chiang Mai City, Kashima City, Chiang Mai University and Saga University


 From August 15 to 19, 2024, Director TOYODA Ichihiko (Director of Research and Community Cooperation Affairs), Vice President MISHIMA Nobuo (International Affairs), Vice Dean KOJIMA Shoichi (Faculty of Science and Engineering), and other members of the University, together with Deputy Mayor TORIKAI Hirotaka of Kashima City and members of the Hizen Hamashuku “Mizu to Machinami no Kai” Water and Townscape Association, a specified non-profit organization, visited Chiang Mai City and Chiang Mai University in Thailand. They also attended the opening ceremony of the “Living Countour Chiang Mai City, Thailand x Kashima City, Japan, Exhibition,” which is the result of international cooperation between the four parties.

 On August 16, Saga University paid a courtesy visit to Chiang Mai University and held discussions with Chiang Mai University, led by Vice President Ekkachai Mahaek, regarding further four-way exchanges in the future. Saga University and Chiang Mai University then signed a letter of intent for the future formation of a four-way platform in the presence of Kashima City. After that, they visited Chiang Mai City Municipality Office and met with Acting Mayor Weerawit Dheerasawas to exchange views on the development of future exchanges. The Acting Mayor also expressed his intention to visit Kashima City, Saga Prefecture.

 On August 17, the Consul General of Japan in Chiang Mai, HIGUCHI Keiichi, Deputy Mayor of Chiang Mai Municipality and the Deputy Governor of Chiang Mai Province attended the grand opening ceremony of the exhibition at the Chiang Mai Heritage Center. At the exhibition, the lifestyle and culture nurtured in the geographical features of Chiang Mai and Kashima were introduced through photos, models, and installations, and food and sweets using ingredients from each city were served. Students from the Graduate School of Science and Engineering at Saga University also assisted in the preparation of the exhibition, providing a glimpse into the bonds of exchange that have developed over the years.

 In addition, a forum was held on the theme of future historical heritage preservation and resident participation, with presentations and exchanges of opinions from Chiang Mai City, Chiang Mai University, and resident representatives. Local residents of the Muen San area of Chiang Mai City and NGOs for the preservation of green spaces also participated. An urban planning group from the Faculty of Architecture at Chiang Mai University has begun working on town planning in the Mueng San area, with reference to Hizen Hamashuku in Kashima City, and there was a positive exchange of views on the participation of the younger generation and cooperation with the government and university.

 The delegation visited the Muen San district the next day to deepen their friendship, which was the first step toward mutual understanding regarding the creation of cultural tourism in both regions.

 This visit is expected to further invigorate academic exchanges between Saga University and Chiang Mai University. Additionally, by involving both Kashima City and Chiang Mai City, it is anticipated that this collaboration will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society that leverages the historical environment through international exchanges that transcend institutions and national boundaries.



・ Courtesy visit to the University



・ Courtesy call on the Mayor’s deputy


・  Grand Opening Ceremony

      Photo credit: ADHAKORN MEEMANWIT         Photo credit: ADHAKORN MEEMANWIT 


・ Exhibition

Photo credit: ADHAKORN MEEMANWIT      Photo credit: ADHAKORN MEEMANWIT    


・Interaction with the Muen San community



・ Discussions with the Faculty of Architecture
