- 附属施設
▷ 美術館
▷ 附属図書館
▷ 保健管理センター - 共同利用・共同研究拠点
▷ 海洋エネルギー研究所
- 共同利用施設
▷ 総合分析実験センター
▷ 総合情報基盤センター
- 共同利用施設
▷ シンクロトロン
- 共同利用施設
▷ 地域学歴史文化研究センター
▷ 肥前セラミック研究センター
- 共同利用施設
▷ リージョナル・
▷ 国際交流推進センター
美術館Saga University Art Museum
平成25年10月、「旧佐賀大学」と「佐賀医科大学」の統合10周年を記念し、本庄キャンパスの正門エリアに、新たな本学のシンボルとなる 美術館を開設しました。これは、教育・研究に有意義に活用できるよう、また、地域・社会貢献の一環として設置されたものです。美術・工芸に関する作品を展示・収集・保管し、広く地域の方々の観覧に供するとともに、教育及び研究に資することにより、芸術及び文化の振興を図ることを目的としています。ガラス張りと純白の空間は、内と外、人と人とがつながり広がり合うことを願う本学の姿勢の象徴です。大型可動壁により多目的に活用できる大展示室をはじめ、特長ある展示スペースを活かした各種展覧会や公開授業、ワークショップなど、様々な企画が可能です。さらに、カフェも併設し、地域との交流の場として、学外の方も気軽に利用することができます。
In October,2013,Saga University Art Museum opened as a new symbol of the University in the front gate area of Honjo campus. This is a memorial building for the10th anniversary of the integration of the former Saga University and Saga Medical School. It is aimed to be utilized for education and study, and to exhibit, collect and preserve works of art , as well as to promote art and culture as a tool towards area community service. This museum, surrounded by glass and white walls, is a symbol of our policy of hope for good relations between people. Using the large movable wall, it is possible to plan any type of exhibition, open class or workshop.
休館日毎週月曜日(祝日の場合は翌日), 夏季休業期間, 冬季休業期間ほか


附属図書館University Library
附属図書館本館は、総座席629席の他にグループ学習室、マルチメディアコーナー、閲覧個室、ラーニング・コモンズなどを備え、利用スペースにパソコン、情報コンセント等、ネットワークを利用した学習環境を整備し、学生及び研究者の学習、研究の能率向上を図るよう配慮しています。 医学分館は、座席192席を備え、利用スペースに検索及び学習用のパソコンを配置するとともに、図書等の蔵書構成、配置等について、十分に検討し、医学部の理念である自己学習と自己評価が効率良くできるよう配慮しています。 また、全国的な学術情報ネットワークに参画し、膨大かつ多様な学術情報を提供するとともに、電子図書館システムや機関リポジトリシステムを導入し、本学の学術情報の発信機関としての役割を担っています。
The main library has 629 reading seats, several group study rooms, a multimedia corner, private reading rooms and learning commons where personal computers are provided for information retrieval through the network. The medical library has 192 reading seats and personal computers for information access and study space. Valuable information concerning medicine and science is provided for independent study. As the academic information center of the University, the Library has introduced a Digital Library system and the Institutional Repository System in cooperation with the Computer and Network Center, and supplies a vast amount of data through the nationwide Academic Information Network.


故市場直次郎氏が蒐集した、江戸時代後半から明治以降にかけての文人の書画類(扇面、掛軸、短冊など)及び和書 類(大津絵節、草紙など)のコレクション。
保健管理センターHealth Care Center
- 定期健康診断、特別健康診断
- 身体・精神面の健康相談やハラスメント相談
- ケガや発熱・腹痛などの病気に対する応急処置
- 学生の健康診断証明書発行
- 感染症対策
- 安全衛生管理に関する業務
The Health Care Center supports the physical and mental health of all the members of Saga University by providing primary health care, prevention-focused services, and medical information to develop health knowledge and practical health-care skills. Centers are located on both the Honjo Campus and the Nabeshima Campus. You can access the latest information, user guides, and information about health examinations from the website of the Health Care Center. Please take a look.

共同利用施設 <共同利用・共同研究拠点> Common Facilities <Joint Usage/Research Center>
海洋エネルギー研究所Institute of Ocean Energy
- 海洋エネルギーに関する総合的な研究、特に、海洋温度差エネルギー・海洋流体エネルギーに関する基礎的・応用的研究
- 本学の学生に対する教育研究指導
- 本学の海洋エネルギーに関する教育研究の支援及び推進
- 国内及び海外の技術者の研修
- 国内及び海外の海洋エネルギーに関する研究機関等との連携及び研究協力の推進(海洋エネルギーに関する中核的研究拠点の役割)
- 国際シンポジウム、フォーラム、公開講座等の開催
- 定期刊行物「海洋エネルギー研究」の刊行
- 海洋エネルギーに関する国際的なデーターベ一スの構築と情報発信

The Institute of Ocean Energy contributes to solving 21st century global scale problems on energy and environment by establishing a research base and promoting research education concerning Ocean Energy comprehensively and interdisciplinary as an international pioneering bridgehead which promotes research and education and also science and technology concerning Ocean Energy strategically. In particular, we’ve been working on basic, practical, and positive research relating to elucidate ocean circumstances using mainly both the Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion system and the Wave Energy Generation system, ocean energy, ocean fluid energy, various considerable energy sources in the ocean and the collection of energy material, and its multiple advanced uses. We open our research institution and equipment for researchers and academic associations which are related to Ocean Energy, and we are a joint research institution which promotes academic research relating to Ocean Energy in Japan in cooperation with domestic and overseas researchers.
- Synthetic Research on Ocean Energy, esp. Fundamental and Applied Research on Ocean Thermal Energy, Ocean Fluid Energy.
- Education and Research for Students
- Support and Promotion of Education and Research on Ocean Energy
- Training Sessions for Engineers
- Promote on Cooperation and Research Partnership with Domestic and International Research Institution on Ocean Energy (Serve as Center of Excellence on Ocean Energy)
- International Symposium & Forum, Open Lecture
- Publication of Report, “Ocean Energy”
- Development of International Database on Ocean Energy Research & Transmission of Information
設置機器 Equipment |
総合分析実験センターAnalytical Research Center for Experimental Sciences
- 高性能分析装置を用いた機器分析に関する教育・研究ならびに支援
- 遺伝子組換え実験に関する教育・研究ならびに支援
- 動物福祉に基づいた動物実験に関する教育・研究ならびに支援
- 放射線および放射性同位元素利用に関する教育・研究ならびに支援
- 環境分析および作業環境の維持管理に関する教育・研究ならびに支援
Saga University Analytical Research Center for Experimental Sciences is a joint use facility which was established for Education Research Support and has four sections each on Honjo and Nabeshima campus: Biological Resource Development Section, Instrumental Analysis Section, Radioisotope Use Section, and Environmental Safety Section. Under the mission of Education Research Support for the following themes, we have been working to contribute not only on campus but also off campus.
- Research, Education and Support for Instrumental Analysis
- Research, Education and Support for Genetic Engineering
- Research, Education and Support for Laboratory Animal Sciences Based on Animal Welfare
- Research, Education and Support for Research Using of Ionizing Radiation and Radioisotope
- Research, Education and Support for Environmental Analyses and Management of Work Environment

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総合情報基盤センター Computer and Network Center
総合情報基盤センターComputer and Network Center
- 基幹情報ネットワークの整備及び維持に関すること。
- 共通的学術情報システムの整備及び維持に関すること。
- 電子図書館の整備及び維持に関すること。
- 学内及び地域情報化の技術支援に関すること。
- 学術情報環境の整備推進に関すること。
The Computer and Network Center unifies key information systems which support academic information on Saga University, promotes improvement of the academic information environment and enhances the electric library functions.
- Administration of Campus Information Network Systems
- Administration of University Information Systems
- Administration of Digital Library Systems
- Consultation and Supports in University and Community Information Technologies
- Promotion and Administration of ICT in general

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シンクロトロン光応用研究センター Synchrotron Light Application Center
シンクロトロン光応用研究センターSynchrotron Light Application Center
- シンクロトロン光を用いた最先端科学技術の開発研究
- 電子・光子相互作用に関する開発研究
- 本学の学生に対する教育研究指導
- シンクロトロン光に関する国内外の研究機関や大学との連携及び協力の推進
- シンクロトロン光応用に関する佐賀県や九州地域の大学と連携協力の推進
The Synchrotron Light Application Center was established not only to support and cooperate with the Saga Prefecture Synchrotron Light Application Project from an academic standpoint, but also to aim to be the core of the region related to synchrotron light application research and to have the most academic advanced research. Through the promotion of worldwide research by synchrotron light and the research and development of cuttingedge technologies, methods, devices, etc., we aim for a cooperation base of industry, government, and universities for education and training for the human resources who lead the future, development of future technologies, utilization of intellectual assets, creation of new industries/sophisticated industries, etc.
- Studies on advanced Science and Technology using Synchrotron Light
- Studies on advanced beam-photon interaction
- Education and Research for Students
- Promote on Cooperation and Research Partnership with Domestic and International Institutes and Universities on Synchrotron Light
- Promote on Cooperation and Research Partnership with Saga Prefecture Government and Universities in Kyushu Area on Synchrotron Light Applications

設置機器 Equipment |
地域学歴史文化研究センターCenter for Regional Culture and History
- 地域(佐賀)の歴史文化資料の調査・収集と研究
- 共同研究プロジェクトの設定・企画・運営
- 諸データベースの作成
- 「研究紀要」「史料集」「図録」の編纂・刊行による成果の公表
- 講演会・講座・シンポジウムの企画・開催
- 交流事業にもとづく博物館等の特別展示等企画立案による地域貢献
- HP 更新による歴史文化情報の発信
- 展示室・閲覧室の公開による歴史情報提供
A new academic system is required for the 21st century society. Since ancient times and through the Middle Ages, Saga has built up a unique exchange relationship with each country in Asia, made active cultural contact with Europe in the early modern times, and innovated using modern Western European civilization and academic systems in the latter half of the 19 th century. What kind of historical culture it was based on, and how it was established and developed, are important issues to be questioned at present. This Center explores identity and universality of the Saga region and creates Regional Study as a new academic system. Allocating professors to four research sections: Archeology, Japanese Literature and Philology, Western Studies and the History of Ideas, and Regional and Historical Studies, and the Center tries to contribute to society as an academic center between local residents and the university.
- to investigate/collect Saga-history-and-culture-related documents and materials at Saga to do research on them
- to plan/administer Saga-history-and-culture-related collaboration projects
- to build Saga-history-and-culture-related databases
- to publicize study results by editing/publish Saga-history-and-culture-related “study bulletin”, “source book”, and “pictorial record”
- to plan and hold Saga-history-and-culture-related lectures and symposium
- to contribute to the local areas by planning special exhibitions such as museums based on interaction businesses
- to give to the world Saga-history-and-culture-related information by the HP
- to report history by the exhibition at its exhibition room and its reading room

所蔵資料 Possessions |


肥前セラミック研究センターCeramic Research Center of Saga University
- 研究
- 教育・人材育成
- 地域および国際連携・交流
- 講演会・イベントの開催
主に肥前窯業圏において講演会やイベントを数多く開催し、地域の方々との情報交換を行うと同時に、窯業人材の育成・教育を行う。 - 雑誌・広報物の発行
- Research
New 'YAKIMONO' Project: Development of new 'YAKIMONO' with highly value added design and function, which is based on the market needs, and new market.
《Department of Product Design and Arts》: Development of new 'YAKIMONO'
designed with multifaceted and comprehensive viewpoints.
・Development of Ceramics by artistic ideas and design skills. Proposing value added
design through the collaboration with the division of ceramic science.
《Department of Ceramic Science》: Scientific research on 'YAKIMONO' and
Development of new 'YAKIMONO'.
・Elucidation of porcelain from raw materials to products from scientific view point.
Accomplishment of, 1: Characterization and improvement of Amakusa pottery
stone, 2: Improvement of casting technology, 3: Analysis and control of sintering,
4: Development of new glaze, 5: Improvement of porcelain property, based on the
basic principle. Above results are utilized as products Based on these needs.
《Department of Manegement》: Ceramic industry research in Hizen area
・Outlook of Hizen ceramic industory through the investigation of the transition of
production, commerce, distribution and marketing in Hizen ceramics.
- Educaction and Human resource development
Education and Research guidance on the students of Saga university.
Programs to develope YAKIMONO creators through the fusion of art and science: Development of the fields of cross-cultural and creative interaction between creators to provide new value beyond the scope of their activities, which improves education for undergraduate and graduate students.
《Department of Product Design and Arts》: Creator training program with cross-
cultural interaction.
・Development of the collaborative community of cross-cultural and creative
interaction between creators, which ebhances practucal education for
undergraduate and graduate students. - Regional and international collaboration
Development of 'YAKIMONO' research hub and its expansion to the world: Contribution for industrial development in Hizen area and 'YAKIMONO' culture.Mutual development with educational and research institutions in other countries.
《Department of Product Design and Arts》: Regional revitalization with design and
arts, and international collaboration
・Regional revitalization by giving ideas and expressive activity in design and arts to
ARITA city. Promotion of international collaboration with educational and research
institutions of design and arts.
《Department of Manegement》: Investigation of ARITA as 'YAKIMONO' city
・Investigation of the geographical structure, movement and relationship of people,
and history in ARITA city. Proposing the revitalization plan of ARITA city based on
the above investigation and cooperation with industries. - Lectures and events
Exchange information with people in Hizen area and education for people who work in ceramic industry through lectures and evens in Hizen area. - Publication
・Periodicals such as achievement report

設置機器 Possessions |
リージョナル・イノベーションセンター Regional Innovation Center
本学の研究や産学連携の機能強化のため、リサーチアドミニストレーター(URA)の組織化を図り、「リージョナル・イノベーションセンター」を設置することにより、イノベーションの創出を推進します。リージョナル・イノベーションセンターは、本学の研究力の向上に向けた支援を行うとともに、佐賀県を中心とする産業界や地域機関との連携の下、大学としての組織的な支援を強化します。更に、佐賀大学の基本的な目標でもある、地域とともに未来に向けて発展し続ける大学として、地域を志向した社会貢献・研究を推進し、地域活性化の中核的拠点となることを目指します。 p>

To plan for functional enhancement of a research and industry-university liaison, the creation of innovation is promoted by planning for an organization of research administrators (URA), and establishing the ”Regional Innovation Center”. The organization which consists of a director, two deputy directors and several URAs under the vice president is established and manages research which affects the outside acquisition of funds. A vice president of a research territory and community service as the director, and two president assistants as deputy directors. And the system to succeed to the function of the existing sections of the Saga University Organization for Cooperation with Industry and Regional Community is maintained and the Regional Innovation Center will promote industry-university liaison, regional cooperation and intellectual properties & technology transfer. The Regional Innovation Center will provide support for improving the university’s research capabilities, and will strengthen organizational support as a university in collaboration with industry and regional organizations centered on Saga Prefecture. Furthermore, as a university that continues to develop for the future with the region, which is the basic goal of Saga University, we aim to promote community-oriented social contribution and research, and to become a core base for regional revitalization.
設置機器 Equipment |
国際交流推進センター Organization for Cooperation with Industry and Regional Community
国際交流推進センターCenter for Promotion of International Exchange

The Saga University Center for Promotion of International Exchange established on October, 2011 has set its goal of internationalization as “to realize the interactive educational and academic exchange with institutions in overseas” and “to create a major institution for intellectual exchange in Asia”, and takes the central role to provide organizational support at a university level to the grassroots international exchanges engaged in the past.
Also, the Center creates the new wave of international exchange, not only by promoting the expansion of international education programs that have been provided in the past to international students and further promoting the acceptance of researchers but also by expanding the overseas dispatch of students and researchers of our university, and implements some efforts to contribute to the development of internationalization of the university. Moreover, the Center aims to extend beyond Saga University to cooperate with Saga prefectural administrative bodies and international exchange organizations, and function as an organization to help promote the internationalization of the Saga region.
国際交流推進センターの役割 Aims of the Center |