
 エネルギー・環境・健康科学分野に深い専門知識と研究開発能力を縦軸に有し、併せて企業的視野とAI・データサイエンスのバックグラウンドを両翼にもつT字型高度人材の育成を目的として、佐賀大学大学院理工学研究科・先進健康科学研究科では、「ASEANと日本の共発展を目指すT型高度人材育成プログラム」(英語名称:Education Program of Advanced T-shaped Person for Co-development of ASEAN and Japan(EPAT))を立ち上げました。





New international education program named as “Education Program of Advanced T-shaped Person for Co-development of ASEAN and Japan (EPAT)” started from October 2023

 The goal is to cultivate T-shaped highly skilled human resources who possess deep specialized knowledge and R&D capabilities in the fields of energy, environment, and health sciences. These indivisuals will also have a corporate perspective and a background in AI and data science. The Graduate School of Science and Engineering and the Graduate School of Advanced Health Sciences at Saga University have established the “Education Program of Advanced T-shaped Person for Co-development of ASEAN and Japan (EPAT),” which is now operational.

Purpose / Image of human resources to be trained
 Recent energy issues and related environmental issues are closely related to each other, and cannot be considered as separate issues. A balance between them at a high level is required in the current context. In addition, these environmental problems have a major impact on maintaining the health of the people. There is a strong need in Asian countries for highly skilled human resources who can take a well-balanced view of these interrelated issues of energy, environment, and health maintenance. Knowledge of AI and data science as technologies to comprehensively view these issues is also essential. Saga University takes energy, environment, and health science seriously, and realized some projects. For example, the Ocean Energy Research Institute has a mission of “contributing to the SDGs by leveraging the ocean,” and its business is centered on research and development of ocean thermal energy conversion. Saga University has collaborated with Saga Prefecture to establish “Co-Creation Platform for Renewable Energy, etc. Innovation (CIREn)” through industry-academia-government collaboration to realize the “Renewable Energy Advanced Prefecture Initiative”. We are proceeding with research and development of renewable energy and energy saving, and market development. In 2021, a new international education program “AI/Data Science Advanced Human Resources Development Program” was launced starting. We believe that the above-mentioned platform has significant potential for developing highly skilled human resources, which is strongly needed in Asian countries.
 This program fosters “T-shaped advanced human resources” who have not only deep specialized knowledge and R&D capabilities, but also cross-disciplinary knowledge including AI, data science, and a corporate perspective, and aims to foster collaboration between ASEAN and Japan. Graduates of this program can have an ability to acquire problem-solving skills with a global perspective and a high sense of balance, as well as practical skills that will enable them to respond to rapid structural changes in society and industry. Furthermore, we can expect them to play an active role as human resources who will strongly promote research and development in the cutting-edge fields of renewable energy and health science.


Guide for the application: https://www.sao.saga-u.ac.jp/admission_center/english/admissions.html



 佐賀大学 理工学部 化学部門 冨永 昌人
 〒840-8502  佐賀市本庄町1 理工学部9号館707号室
 TEL: 0952-28-8561 FAX: 0952-28 -8561
 E-mail: masato@cc.saga-u.ac.jp
