平成30年度佐賀大学大学院入学式(10月期)告辞 President’s Welcome Address for the Autumn Entrance Ceremony for graduate school.
Congratulations on your admission to Saga University to each of the thirty-two (32) students representing eight (8) Asian and African countries who have come to study here. I, along with the faculties, staff and students of Saga University, would like to give a hearty welcome to you. Also, I would like to give a warm welcome to all the exchange students from our partner institutions who start to study at Saga University in this October.
本日、晴れて入学された皆さんは、それぞれ専門分野の学業、また佐賀でのキャンパスライフに対して、様々な希望と期待を持っておられることでしょう。 入学生一人一人が思い描く学生生活が実現できるよう、学業面に限らずサポート体制を整えていますので、何か困ったことがあれば遠慮なく相談してください。
Now, you enter Saga University with happiness, as I believe that each of you has many hopes and expectations for your research and campus life in Saga. Saga University provides a support system including the academic aspects so that your dreams will come true in your school life. Please consult us without hesitation if you have any trouble.
Saga prefecture, where all of you will live from now on, is a historical land in Japan and has a great historical heritage such as Yoshinogari Historical Park which shows the lifestyle in Japanese Yayoi era about 5th century B.C. On the cultural and artistic side, the traditional art industries as Arita Porcelain which celebrated its 400 year anniversary are highly valued in Japan and overseas and “Karatsu Kunchi”, a hometown festival, was registered as a world heritage site two years ago.
こうした佐賀の特色の中でも、佐賀藩10代藩主 鍋島直正公を中心とした佐賀の偉人たちが、幕末・明治維新期に残した足跡は大きなものがあります。実用蒸気機関の開発や反射炉の建造、日本初の鉄製大砲の鋳造など、「日本の近代化は佐賀から始まった」といっても過言ではないほどの先進性を備え、かつ多方面に大きな影響を与えました。 佐賀県では明治維新150年となる今年、これらの偉業を顕彰し、先人の志を未来に繋いでいくことを目的とした『肥前さが幕末維新博覧会』を開催しています。
There is a big footprint that Saga's great persons such as Mr. Naomasa Nabeshima, the 10th seigneur of the Saga feudal clan left over the Meiji Restoration from the end of the Edo period. They had the spirit of innovation that "Japanese modernization has started from Saga." which is not exaggerated, and had a big influence in many directions; for example, the development of a practical steam engine, the building of a reverberatory furnace, and the casting of the Japan's first iron cannon and so on. This year “The Hizen Saga Exposition from the end of the Edo period to the Meiji Restoration” is held, as part of the Meiji Restoration 150th anniversary in Saga prefecture, which aims to shed light on great achievements and to connect pioneer's will in the future.
本日入学される皆さんには、在学中に是非こうした佐賀の魅力を体感し、感性を磨き、教養を高めてほしいと思います。 そしてそれぞれの時代背景や状況、関わった人々の思いにも心を巡らせ、皆さん自身の魅力を深める糧としていただくことを期待しています。
I hope that you who entered Saga University today experience the attractions in Saga, be more open to experience new things, and increase your knowledge of culture while you are in Saga. I expect you to think of the backgrounds, ages, situations and thoughts of the people you are concerned with, and to deepen your own attractiveness.
I hope your learning in Saga University will be meaningful including your studies and that it will advance each of you in your future career. I wish all of you the best of luck.
2018年10月3日 佐賀大学長 宮﨑 耕治
October, 3rd 2018
Kohji Miyazaki, the president of Saga University